Thursday, 17 December 2009

Letter of Apology

Dear Teacher,

I'm sorry that Little Guy has been coming to school with random, not-so-healthy snacks and lunches. We're leaving to go skiing and I'm trying to clear out the fridge. I do appreciate however, that a cottage cheese sandwich was not the brightest idea. Next time, call me and I'll come and clean up the mess myself.

As you've probably noticed, I am also using up my collection of "seasonal" napkins, and he tells me everyone has enjoyed trying to guess whether he will pull a Thanksgiving, Christmas or "fall" one from his lunchbag. I obviously wasn't paying attention on Monday and of course I appreciate that most of them can read now. I'm sure trying to explain "One Tequila, Two tequila, Three tequila, ...Floor" wasn't in your lesson plan for the day and if any parents complain, just point them in my direction.

He tells me he wasn't allowed to play outside today because he didn't have snow boots with him. Sorry about the inconvenience of having to supervise him in the classroom (and the inevitable tears this produced), but I have already packed them for our trip and if I open the suitcase I'll never get it shut again.

Ditto the snow pants.

We have searched and searched for the library book he brought home last week. I know I didn't pack it so it must be somewhere in the house. I did however, send a couple of bags of old books into school this morning for the used book sale. Perhaps you could wait till they have the sale in March and I rake through thousands of books to find it? If not, I will buy a new one when I have the time.

Please could you send back the Christmas present he brought in for you this morning. If you have already opened it, I hope you weren't offended. We actually bought you a scented candle. The chocolate body paint was a gag gift for a girlfriend.

Happy Holidays.



  1. Oh dear... this sounds so, so familiar. Sounds like you need that holiday!! Perhaps she'll keep that chocolate body paint and lighten up--it may be just what she needs if she's getting irritated by the small things in life!

  2. Surely chocolate in ANY shape or form is alwayws welcome?

  3. Oh, Lord! When does Christmas break start?

  4. What a screamingly funny post! If I were a teacher you'd be just the kind of parent I'd want to help out in the classroom.

  5. I have to say, in her defence/defense, she's a great teacher. I have added a little dramam to events for the blog, you understand.

  6. Yes that was a good laugh.
    We get little notes in lunch boxes from Mums too!

    Nuts in May

  7. I can't get passed cottage cheese sandwich! What the? Even I won't eat that!

  8. REALLY? Very funny. Oh, and happy skiing!

  9. Found the book! Yay! You see, we have SO many books in our house (she says smugly) that it got swept up in the pile. It actually did, but if the books had been put away properly and not just dumped in a corner, we probably wouldn't have lost the school book.

  10. She must love you dearly. Body paint, hee hee.

  11. YUK! Cottage cheese sarnies! What were you thinking??! I know, clearing the fridge...LOVE the 'found the book' 'smug' comment..I'm like that too..haha..Do you think she'll like the scented candle? You never know, she might have preferred the choccy body paint! Have a great skiing trip.

  12. Have a fab trip and try to not to abuse your son in 2010 with cottage cheese sandwiches - barf!

  13. My Mum used to give me cottage cheese sandwiches. Wish I'd been smart enough to drop it all over the floor!

    God, could I relate to that post!!

    Have a great time skiing.

  14. Have a wonderful time skiing. I swear I am not jealous. Colorado again? Tough life.

  15. Makes me glad my children are adult now and I am past all that school stuff.

  16. VERY funny! Great post. Hope you have a great trip.

  17. Hope she enjoyed her present. Laughed at the tequila napkin! Have a good hol!

  18. Huh, left a comment and it got lost. Laughed out loud about the chocolate gift to teacher. Maybe she enjoyed it?

    And the tequila napkins...


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