Wednesday, 7 April 2010

On the Radio - oh wo oh ho ho

Barring a "phone malfunction" I'll be appearing on BBC World Service - "World Have Your Say" today (Wed) 6-7pm UK time, and 12-1pm my time. Have a listen.
The point they want me to make could be controversial just in case I come across as a complete bee-atch!


  1. Am listening right now - I assume hat you're not talking about tourism and will be on the next topic of conversation?

  2. Gawd - that was a waste of time. They seem to have booked too many people and I got about two sentences in.

  3. I missed it! Im sure your two sentences were fabulous! :)

  4. Unfortunately we don't get BBC radio in Beijing; heh. What was the talk about? (or your two sentences?)

  5. Missed it, and now can't find it to listen to on the website. What was it about? Was it the "does tourism spoil locations?" piece?

  6. It's on the BBC World Service web site and I came in about 25 minutes into it. The qustion was whether tourism spoils communities; how should tourists behave when in their chosen destination; should the locals in the tourist destination give them what they want or make them adjust to the setting. A very wide discussion.
    My comment was meant to be that if you set yourself up as a tourist spot then you really have no right to complain about "bloody tourists" which they thought quite controversial. HOwever when they brought me into the discussion it had moved on from that point and there really wasn't thta much to say. I tend to get a bit irritated when they're farting about, cutting you off and generally being unprofessional so when I got cut off after my first two sentences I went and had my lunch!!!

  7. Well I was listening and never heard you, but then maybe it was when I got a call!

    BTW thanks to you I am now listening to radio 2 all day long at work :-)

  8. That was your sixty seconds of fame. You have fourteen minutes left. On the bright side you sounded all of about 25 years old, in a good way I mean. Young and bright, not young and stupid.


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