Monday, 12 September 2016

Shopping's No Fun When You Know What You Want

I'm talking about clothes shopping. I loathe clothes shopping with a passion. Partly because I have pretty poor body confidence and always think everything looks awful on me. I know, I know. I'm supposed to love my body but after a long period of back problems, ending with surgery in April, I'm still feeling a teeny bit flabby. I also hate wearing any kind of control underwear so all the flabby parts are not what you'd call contained.

But isn't clothes shopping even worse when you know what you want? I have a corporate dinner this week and need something nice. I went shopping with my mother for TWO WHOLE HOURS and found nothing. On the way home, we stopped into a consignment store however, and I found a lovely black jacket with a hint of sparkle in it. Bought it! Will build my outfit around this, I thought...

...and that was where it all started going pear shaped. I have enough black trousers to choose from but a top to go underneath is what I needed. Something in a bold color, possibly also with a bit of sparkle. Off we went to Michigan Avenue.  Apparently I was a month too early. Everything in stock at the moment is tweedy and the color of muddy fields. Not a sequin in sight!

If I'd continued shopping with a completely open-mind, I might have found something by now. A dress? A suit? A complete outfit? But no - I always do this - buy one item and then struggle to match anything with it. It's such a lovely jacket though........

So I hit upon the idea of a visit to the fabric store. (Because of course I have nothing else to do and can easily run up a top!) Success! I found a beautiful silky fabric, with a deep teal, black and silver pattern and a bit of sparkle. In the sale - $17.50!

I'm making a simple tank top. Nothing fancy as the fabric stands on its own. I'm not planning on taking the jacket off so what could possibly go wrong?

Watch this space.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! I no longer buy the single item unless I know I have something that works with it or I find something to match it in the same store.

  2. Best of luck with your sewing project. My 'simple' add-ons, like a tank top, always become a time-crunched nightmare.

    1. I've done my usual - finished it in one go except for having to sew a hook & eye on. For some reason I always leave one thing and then it becomes a panic.


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