Friday, 13 November 2009

What was I complaining about again?

So when I started my last post and said I know I really don't have much to complain about.... I really don't. If I keep my shoulder moving it's not so bad and it's probably not an infection because I don't have a fever/temperature and it's not swollen.

The person who really needs our positive thoughts right now is my bloggy friend Maggie May. Her whole family has been through a lot recently and now she has something on her plate.

If there's any truth in the theory that prayers and positive thoughts really do help a person stay strong and healthy, now's the time to prove it.

Stay strong my friend.


  1. Many, many thanks. I appreciate that you mentioned me on your post and judging by the way I feel today....... prayer is working!

    Nuts in May

  2. You are a kind blogger friend to do that.

    Gill in Canada

  3. Prayers have such a positive effect on people and Maggie has so many friends praying for her, I don't see how she can help but feel the warmth of those prayers energizing her. I really believe that the blogging community is very effective in Prayer healing...

  4. lovely post and straight from all our hearts!!!

    saz x


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